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الرئيسية الأخبار EXERCISE


IslamicFinder  .  الاثنين سبتمبر ٢٦, ٢٠٢٢
 . Tips for Women

We get you! The first few days of your menstruation cycle are usually the most uncomfortable, especially if you bleed a lot during your blue days. 

However, it is still important to focus on keeping yourself physically active with gentle movements and less-intensive physical exercises when on periods.

Here are the major dos and don’ts of exercising during periods that you can refer to ensure you stay active without any additional discomfort.

The Best Exercises to Do During Periods

During the first half of your menstruation cycle, it is better to stick with exercises that help your body stretch and relax at the same time while also building core strength to reduce the severity of cramps. Such physical activities include:

  • Walking (light walk or brisk walk)

  • Yoga

  • Light lifting

  • Pilates

  • Stretching

  • Low-impact cardio

During the second half of your menstruation cycle (when your flow is light), you can increase the intensity of your physical activities with the following exercises:

  • Running (jogging)

  • Dancing (i.e. Zumba dance)

  • Swimming

  • Mild aerobics

Exercises to Avoid During Periods

You shouldn’t put additional stress on your body during menstruation with high-impact exercises since they may interfere with your periods in different ways. 

That said, here’s what you should avoid in particular while on your periods:

  • Strenuous exercises

  • Prolonged exercises

  • Inversion poses with yoga

About Hygiene: When Exercising During Periods

Hygiene during your period is important, including while you’re exercising. First things first, if you’re concerned about leaks while exercising during your period, then choose a brand of pads you are comfortable with or go for tampons, if you have been using them before. It is a good idea to carry extra pads with you when you exercise just in case.

You can also consider using products, like menstrual cups, and discs. Ultimately, you should use whatever works best for you. 

So, the bottom line is this: Continue with exercise, but back off on the intensity, especially if you're feeling fatigued. Hope this helps!

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