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How to Connect With Yourself to Find Inner Peace?

IslamicFinder  .  Tuesday March 22, 2022
 . Knowledge

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala is the guiding light and the source of illumination for mankind.

As it is stated in the 35th verse of Surah an-Nur (labeled the ‘Verse of Light’) in the Holy Qur’an:

“Allah guides to His light whom He wills. And Allah presents examples for the people, and Allah is Knowing of all things.” 

Therefore, to connect with your best self and find inner peace, you must learn how to regain the light that Allah (SWT) reflects upon those whom He holds dear.

So, exactly what does one need to achieve that? Let’s break this down into a simple 5-step plan:

1- Cut Down the Distractions of Worldly Life

The light and peace in your heart get buried under several layers of distractions when you spend too much time tending to worldly desires and fascinations. 

Therefore, if you’re looking to find inner peace, it’s essential to get rid of those distractions that strip you of your sanity in the first place.

2- Establish a Relationship With the Qur’an

The Qur’an itself is a healing miracle for everyone. 

One who keeps themselves engaged with the Holy Book of Allah (SWT) by reciting and listening to it; learning its meaning purifies their heart and soul from within.

3- Actively Seek Company of Righteous Companions

People who constantly remind you of Allah (SWT) by talking about Him, praising Him, and living for His sake surely leave a greater impact on you. 

Seeking their company strengthens your connection with the Almighty and eases your mind while giving you the chance to find your true self.

4- Make Lots of Duas

Similarly, having complete faith in Allah (SWT) and His plans make it much easier to find your inner peace as you let go of all worries. 

So, make plenty of duas to the Almighty, share all your troubles with Him, and see how He takes care of everything for you in the best possible way.

5- Do Good Without Expectations

Lastly, you need to cleanse your soul of the actions and thoughts that make it impossible for you to connect with yourself. One of the best ways to purify your mind and soul is to do good for others without expecting anything in return.

When Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala watches you help others for His sake only, He makes it a priority to bless you with peace of mind, taking away all your frustrations.

Indeed, when we work on becoming better Muslims, Allah (SWT) changes the world around us, giving us the means to deal with all obstacles. Even when the world is in turmoil, Allah (SWT) still manages a way to shower us with inner peace and calmness.

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