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What Does It Mean to Surrender to Allah (SWT)'s Will?
IslamicFinder . يناير ١٨, ٢٠٢٢ . Knowledge

What does it mean to surrender to Allah (SWT)’s will completely, and how can we practice it in real life?

6 Deeds Disliked by Allah (SWT)
IslamicFinder . نوفمبر ٣٠, ٢٠٢١ . Knowledge

Qur'an teaches us to stay humble and not to act upon deeds disliked by Allah (SWT) to earn His love.

Learning Tawakkul From Our Prophet Ibrahim (AS)
IslamicFinder . نوفمبر ٢٣, ٢٠٢١ . Knowledge

The life of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) is the best example of how practicing Tawakkul can turn our life around for the best.

Pillars of Islam-The Foundation of our Religion
Amna Anwaar . أبريل ١١, ٢٠١٨ . Knowledge

The five pillars of Islam form the basis of our religion.

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