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(3508) The Marriage of Zainab Bint Jahsh, The Revelation of (the verse of) Hijab, and confirmation of the importance of the wedding feast

حَدَّثَنَا قُتَيْبَةُ بْنُ سَعِيدٍ، حَدَّثَنَا جَعْفَرٌ يَعْنِي ابْنَ سُلَيْمَانَ، عَنِ الْجَعْدِ أَبِي عُثْمَانَ، عَنْ أَنَسِ بْنِ مَالِكٍ، قَالَ: تَزَوَّجَ رَسُولُ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ، فَدَخَلَ بِأَهْلِهِ، قَالَ: فَصَنَعَتْ أُمِّي أُمُّ سُلَيْمٍ حَيْسًا، فَجَعَلَتْهُ فِي تَوْرٍ، فَقَالَتْ: يَا أَنَسُ، اذْهَبْ بِهَذَا إِلَى رَسُولِ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ، فَقُلْ: بَعَثَتْ بِهَذَا إِلَيْكَ أُمِّي وَهِيَ تُقْرِئُكَ السَّلَامَ، وَتَقُولُ: إِنَّ هَذَا لَكَ مِنَّا قَلِيلٌ يَا رَسُولَ اللهِ، قَالَ: فَذَهَبْتُ بِهَا إِلَى رَسُولِ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ، فَقُلْتُ: إِنَّ أُمِّي تُقْرِئُكَ السَّلَامَ، وَتَقُولُ: إِنَّ هَذَا لَكَ مِنَّا قَلِيلٌ يَا رَسُولَ اللهِ، فَقَالَ: «ضَعْهُ»، ثُمَّ قَالَ: «اذْهَبْ، فَادْعُ لِي فُلَانًا وَفُلَانًا وَفُلَانًا، وَمَنْ لَقِيتَ»، وَسَمَّى رِجَالًا، قَالَ: فَدَعَوْتُ مَنْ سَمَّى، وَمَنْ لَقِيتُ، قَالَ: قُلْتُ لِأَنَسٍ: عَدَدَ كَمْ كَانُوا؟ قَالَ: زُهَاءَ ثَلَاثِمِائَةٍ، وَقَالَ لِي رَسُولُ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ: «يَا أَنَسُ، هَاتِ التَّوْرَ»، قَالَ: فَدَخَلُوا حَتَّى امْتَلَأَتِ الصُّفَّةُ وَالْحُجْرَةُ، فَقَالَ رَسُولُ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ: «لِيَتَحَلَّقْ عَشَرَةٌ عَشَرَةٌ، وَلْيَأْكُلْ كُلُّ إِنْسَانٍ مِمَّا يَلِيهِ»، قَالَ: فَأَكَلُوا حَتَّى شَبِعُوا، قَالَ: فَخَرَجَتْ طَائِفَةٌ، وَدَخَلَتْ طَائِفَةٌ، حَتَّى أَكَلُوا كُلُّهُمْ، فَقَالَ لِي: «يَا أَنَسُ، ارْفَعْ»، قَالَ: فَرَفَعْتُ، فَمَا أَدْرِي حِينَ وَضَعْتُ كَانَ أَكْثَرَ، أَمْ حِينَ رَفَعْتُ، قَالَ: وَجَلَسَ طَوَائِفُ مِنْهُمْ يَتَحَدَّثُونَ فِي بَيْتِ رَسُولِ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ، وَرَسُولُ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ جَالِسٌ وَزَوْجَتُهُ مُوَلِّيَةٌ وَجْهَهَا إِلَى الْحَائِطِ، فَثَقُلُوا عَلَى رَسُولِ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ، فَخَرَجَ رَسُولُ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ، فَسَلَّمَ عَلَى نِسَائِهِ، ثُمَّ رَجَعَ، فَلَمَّا رَأَوْا رَسُولَ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَدْ رَجَعَ، ظَنُّوا أَنَّهُمْ قَدْ ثَقُلُوا عَلَيْهِ، قَالَ: فَابْتَدَرُوا الْبَابَ، فَخَرَجُوا كُلُّهُمْ، وَجَاءَ رَسُولُ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ، حَتَّى أَرْخَى السِّتْرَ، وَدَخَلَ وَأَنَا جَالِسٌ فِي الْحُجْرَةِ، فَلَمْ يَلْبَثْ إِلَّا يَسِيرًا حَتَّى خَرَجَ عَلَيَّ، وَأُنْزِلَتْ هَذِهِ الْآيَةُ، فَخَرَجَ رَسُولُ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ، وَقَرَأَهُنَّ عَلَى النَّاسِ: {يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا تَدْخُلُوا بُيُوتَ النَّبِيِّ إِلَّا أَنْ يُؤْذَنَ لَكُمْ إِلَى طَعَامٍ غَيْرَ نَاظِرِينَ إِنَاهُ وَلَكِنْ إِذَا دُعِيتُمْ فَادْخُلُوا فَإِذَا طَعِمْتُمْ فَانْتَشِرُوا وَلَا مُسْتَأْنِسِينَ لِحَدِيثٍ إِنَّ ذَلِكُمْ كَانَ يُؤْذِي النَّبِيَّ} [الأحزاب: 53] إِلَى آخِرِ الْآيَةِ قَالَ الْجَعْدُ: قَالَ أَنَسُ بْنُ مَالِكٍ: أَنَا أَحْدَثُ النَّاسِ عَهْدًا بِهَذِهِ الْآيَاتِ. وَحُجِبْنَ نِسَاءُ النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ


Anas b. Malik (Allah be pleased with him) reported: Allah's Messenger ( ‌صلی ‌اللہ ‌علیہ ‌وسلم ‌ ) contracted marriage and he went to his wife. My mother Umm Sulaim prepared hais and placed it in an earthen vessel and said: Anas, take it to Allah's Messenger ( ‌صلی ‌اللہ ‌علیہ ‌وسلم ‌ ) and say: My mother has sent that to you and she offers greetings to you, and says that it is a humble gift for you on our behalf, Messenger of Allah. So I went along with it to Allah's Messenger ( ‌صلی ‌اللہ ‌علیہ ‌وسلم ‌ ) and said: My mother offers you salutations, and says that it is a humble gift for you on our behalf. He said: Place it here, and then said: Go and invite on my behalf so and so and anyone whom you meet, and he even named some persons. He (Anas) said: I invited whom he had named and whom I met. I (one of the narrators) said: I said to Anas: How many (persons) were there? He (Anas) said: They were about three hundred persons. Then Allah's Messenger ( ‌صلی ‌اللہ ‌علیہ ‌وسلم ‌ ) (said to me): Anas, bring that earthen vessel. They (the guests) then began to enter until the courtyard and the apartment were fully packed. Allah's Messenger ( ‌صلی ‌اللہ ‌علیہ ‌وسلم ‌ ) said: Make a circle of ten (guests), and every person should eat from that nearest to him. They began to eat, until they ate to their fill. A group went out (after eating the food), and another group came in until all of them had eaten. He (the Holy Prophet) said to me: Anas, lift it (the earthen vessel), so I lifted it, but I could not assess whether it had more (food) when I placed it (before Allah's Messenger) or when I lifted it (after the people had been served out of it). A group among them (the guests) began to talk in the house of Allah's Messenger ( ‌صلی ‌اللہ ‌علیہ ‌وسلم ‌ ) and the Messenger of Allah ( ‌صلی ‌اللہ ‌علیہ ‌وسلم ‌ ) was sitting and his wife had been sitting with her face turned towards the wall. It was troublesome for Allah's Messenger ( ‌صلی ‌اللہ ‌علیہ ‌وسلم ‌ ), so Allah's Messenger ( ‌صلی ‌اللہ ‌علیہ ‌وسلم ‌ ) went out and greeted his wives. He then returned. When they (the guests) saw that Allah's Messenger ( ‌صلی ‌اللہ ‌علیہ ‌وسلم ‌ ) had returned they thought that it (their overstay) was something troublesome for him. He (the narrator) said: They hastened towards the door and all of them went out. And there came Allah's Messenger ( ‌صلی ‌اللہ ‌علیہ ‌وسلم ‌ ) and he hung a curtain and went in, and I was sitting in his apartment and he did not stay but for a short while. He then came to me and these verses were revealed. Allah's Messenger ( ‌صلی ‌اللہ ‌علیہ ‌وسلم ‌ ) came out and recited them to the people: O you who believe, enter not the houses of the Prophet unless permission is given to you for a meal, not waiting for its cooking being finished-but when you are invited, enter, and when you have taken food, disperse not seeking to listen to talk. Surely this gives the Prophet trouble , to the end of verse (xxxiii. 53). (Al-Ja'd said that Anas [b. Malik] stated: I am the first amongst the people to hear these verses), and henceforth the wives of the Apostle ( ‌صلی ‌اللہ ‌علیہ ‌وسلم ‌ ) began to observe seclusion (al-hijab).


sahih al muslim 2: Chapter 117, Hadith 3508

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