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Break the cycle of poor habits this Ramadan

IslamicFinder  .  miércoles mayo 24, 2023
 . Spirituality

It’s that time of the year again! The holy month of Ramadan is here, and it is not a secret that all our actions fall back into the old routine when the blessed month ends. But do not fret; we have stated some ways to help you continue performing good deeds even after Ramadan:

Make intention:

Pray that Allah guides you in your goal to break your habit during this blessed month. Ask Him to guide you to carry out these good deeds long after Ramadan. Without Allah SWT's guidance, nothing will be achieved.  

Stay occupied:

Indulge in practices that make this blessed month exceptional. These could be: 

  • Memorizing a verse or entire chapter of the Holy Quran. 

  • Helping at a neighborhood mosque, school, or shelter.

  • Listening to Islamic and educational speeches.

Avoid the triggers:

Avoid the triggers that lead to harmful habits by staying away from them. For example, if you give up smoking, try to avoid people who smoke or avoid going to such places.

Find support:

Engage your family or friends in helping you break any negative habits by letting them remind you how much you want to do so.

One day at a time:

It can be challenging to give up something addictive or break a bad habit permanently. We convince ourselves that resisting that addiction for days, weeks, or even years will be impossible. So do not lose heart if breaking that bad habit proves to be difficult. Research has shown that it takes almost 30 days to quit a habit, and Ramadan is the most convenient period to do so because it is just long enough to end your addiction. 

Let Athan help you:

Have you checked our latest update? It has just the right stuff to help you in your spiritual journey this Ramadan. And what's great is that you can save FLAT 50% on our premium subscriptions! How cool is that?

So take it one day at a time; let’s not be too hard on ourselves and pray to Allah SWT that he guides us through this blessed month of Ramadan. Ramadan Kareem everybody wishing you all love, light, and happiness!

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