‘Stripping British Citizenship is Extreme’: Jeremy Corbyn defends Shamima Begum

jeudi février 28, 2019

British Labor Party Leader backs Shamima Begum who asks for help in Syria for her new born son…

Written by Rida Ghaffar

Jihadi bride Shamima Begum appealed for sympathy and has got it from the British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn. Begum has sparked a tidal wave of public criticism, wanting to return to Britain with her week-old son despite showing no signs of contrition and plenty of support for Islamic State.

Eight in 10 Britons have supported the decision by Home Office minister Sajid Javid to strip her of her British citizenship. Ms Begum, 19 of age, has automatic Bangladeshi citizenship until the age of 21 and her father is currently in Bangladesh. She may also qualify for Dutch citizenship as she is married to a Dutch fighter, although reports yesterday indicate that won’t eventuate.

However, Ms Begum says she thinks it is unjust that she is no longer considered British and called for “sympathy for me and my son”. While most public opinion is of the view Ms Begum is solely responsible for her plight and her continued support of Islamic State meant she poses a potential danger. Although, Mr Corbyn took a different stance.

Mr Corbyn told ITV News:

“She obviously has, in my view, a right to return to Britain. On that return she must face a lot of questions about everything she’s done. And at that point any action may or may not be taken.”

He also added:

“The idea of stripping anyone of their citizenship when they’re born in Britain is a very extreme manoeuvre.”

Moreover, Begum’s sister Renu has written a letter to Home Secretary Sajid Javid, which has been seen by the BBC. Ms Begum’s family is also organising for their lawyer to visit her in the Al-Hol refugee cap in northern Syria to begin legal moves to have her son, Jarah, also a British citizen, to be brought to the family home in London.

Source: The Australian

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