The 3 Types of Fasting Observed By Muslims

jueves marzo 10, 2022

The 3 types of fasting Muslims should learn about and observe for countless blessings!

Written by IslamicFinder

Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam, making it an obligation to be fulfilled by all Muslims throughout their lifetime.

There are three types of fasting in the Islamic Shariah that we, as dutiful Muslims, should know about. Let’s discuss each of them in accordance with their stated importance in our religion.

1- Fard Fasting

“Fard” is an Arabic terminology for announcing any Islamic act that is “obligatory” for Muslims.

Fard fasts include those that must be kept by all believers of Allah (SWT) and His Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) during Ramadan. Leaving them is deemed a sin, one which Muslims are held accountable for on the Day of Judgment.

2- Wajib Fasting

Also referred to as “penalty” fasting in Islam, Wajib fasts are those that become obligatory for Muslims in some distinctive cases. 

For example, if someone misses their Fard fast or breaks their Nafl fast for any valid reason whatsoever, they are still obliged to make up for it afterward. These fasts can be kept on any day except for the five prohibited days on which Allah (SWT) has forbidden Muslims to fast under any circumstances.

The five days when one is strictly prohibited from observing a fast include:

The day of Eid-ul-Fitr, the day of Eid-ul-Adha, and the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth day of Zil Hijjah.

3- Nafl Fasting 

Lastly, Nafl fasts are those extra days of fasting that are neither obligatory nor Wajib on Muslims. These are optional fasts that one performs voluntarily. 

It should be noted that Muslims don’t sin by not keeping Nafl fasts. However, they’re indeed rewarded handsomely by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala for observing them just to connect with Him on a deeper level. 

Again, it’s essential not to forget that Muslims are barred from keeping Wajib and Nafl fasts on the five prohibited days mentioned earlier.

May Allah (SWT) accept all our fasts and reward us with His countless blessings in this life and the Hereafter. Ameen.

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