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الرئيسية الأخبار Top 10 Hajj Health Tips to keep in Mind!

Top 10 Hajj Health Tips to keep in Mind!

Rida Ghaffar  .  السبت أغسطس ٠٣, ٢٠١٩
 . Lifestyle

Health plays a great role in one’s lifestyle especially when it comes to traveling. Even Hygiene holds a considerable level of importance in the domain of health. Hajj is one of those rituals which requires the complete attention of an individual to monitor his/her well-being as it involves a very hectic routine.

Let’s have a look at the list of areas whereby chances of severe injuries can arise. The respective areas are; Tawaaf (especially midday time), Sa’I (due to crowding and high temperature), Arafat (midday time), and Mina (due to the long distance travel and crowding which often results in congestion).

In the past, some major health problems to persist have been heat suffocation and sunstroke. This refers to high body temperature, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, thirst, headache, or cramping. Some tips to tackle such a situation include:

1. Get to a place with some nice, cool shade.

2. Cool the body by cold water. A quick way to do this is by rinsing your feet with cold water.

3. Take enough sleep.

4. Keep mild painkillers with you at all times.

5. Head to the health centers nearby in severe cases.

Another major health problem which may arise during Hajj is Food Poisoning. The basic tips for the prevention of food poisoning are:

1. Wash fruits and vegetables before eating.

2. Verify the expiry dates of canned food items and drinks.

3. Avoid uncovered food as it has more chances of germs attacking it.

4. Wash hands before and after preparing and eating food.

5. Avoid storing food in buses where the travel time is long.

6. Use clean utensils.

Now, the above pointers mainly pertain to the specifics of a particular health issue respectively. However, the general Hajj tips need to be on the fingertips, which are as follows:

1. Bathe regularly.

2. Use handkerchiefs when coughing.

3. Use a face-mask, especially in crowded and congested places such as Mina.

4. Don’t spit on the floor as it can be a hazardous source of infection.

5. Change clothes regularly.

6. Avoid kindling fires inside the tents.

7. Adhere to the instructions provided by the Ministry of Health and other government bodies.

8. Use the toilets for defecating and not any other place nearby as it can spread infectious diseases.

9. Do not slaughter the sacrificial animals in places such as the roads beside the tents as it can lead to unpleasant odours and diseases.

10. Head to the health facilities nearby as soon as possible when needed.

We wish for all Muslims to follow all the given guidelines during their Hajj and even Umrah; whenever needed. This is all for an individual’s own well-being and health is something for which compromise should not be taken. We wish all our fellow Muslims a safe Hajj!

Visit Hajj 2019 page to get all Hajj updates!

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