10th Hadith - What is Lawful and Wholesome (Muslim: 1015)

الحديث العاشر

عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهُ قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه و سلم "إنَّ اللَّهَ طَيِّبٌ لَا يَقْبَلُ إلَّا طَيِّبًا، وَإِنَّ اللَّهَ أَمَرَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ بِمَا أَمَرَ بِهِ الْمُرْسَلِينَ فَقَالَ تَعَالَى: "يَا أَيُّهَا الرُّسُلُ كُلُوا مِنْ الطَّيِّبَاتِ وَاعْمَلُوا صَالِحًا"، وَقَالَ تَعَالَى: "يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا كُلُوا مِنْ طَيِّبَاتِ مَا رَزَقْنَاكُمْ" ثُمَّ ذَكَرَ الرَّجُلَ يُطِيلُ السَّفَرَ أَشْعَثَ أَغْبَرَ يَمُدُّ يَدَيْهِ إلَى السَّمَاءِ: يَا رَبِّ! يَا رَبِّ! وَمَطْعَمُهُ حَرَامٌ، وَمَشْرَبُهُ حَرَامٌ، وَمَلْبَسُهُ حَرَامٌ، وَغُذِّيَ بِالْحَرَامِ، فَأَنَّى يُسْتَجَابُ لَهُ

10th Hadith Translation

Abu-Hurairah (R.A.) reported that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) said:

“Verily Allah the Exalted is pure. He does not accept but that which is pure. Allah commands the believers with what He commanded the Messengers. Allah the Almighty has said: "O you Messengers! Eat of the good things and act righteously" [Al-Quran: 23:51-53]. And Allah the Almighty also said: "O you who believe! Eat of the good things that We have provided you with" [Al-Quran: 2:167-172]. Then he (the Prophet) mentioned (the case of) the man who, having journeyed far, is disheveled and dusty and who stretches out his hands to the sky (saying): "O Lord! O Lord!" (while) his food was unlawful, his drink was unlawful, his clothing was unlawful, and he is nourished with unlawful things, so how can he be answered” 

(Muslim: 1015)

Brief Narration

The word 'At-Tayyib' is used in the Quran and Sunnah to describe actions, good deeds, people, things, speech, etc. This term is used as adjectives. Literally it means something good. Ibn Rajab interpreted the word as 'At-Tahir', or pure in English.

The verses above and this hadith imply the following beneficial and useful rulings:

  • The money that the Muslims earn must be pure and legal. 
  • The food that is consumed must be lawful (Halal). 
  • The money with which a person buys food must be lawful, coming from lawful sources. 
  • These are the keys for acceptance of our deeds by Allah. 
  • Whether something is permissible or prohibited is by the will of Allah. He explains, guides and tells us what are permissible and what are not. It is mentioned in the Quran that some people have wrongfully made something unlawful when actually Allah has made it lawful, and vice versa. It is actually Allah’s right to make things lawful and unlawful. 
  • Earning and consuming lawful things are important conditions for acceptance of our supplications (“Dua”) by Allah.

Scholars mentioned that whatever we eat affects our attitude and behavior. We need to eat the right food (At-Tayyib) and in the right manners as prescribed by Islam - e.g. not to eat excessively. By observing these issues, if Allah wills, it will lead us to be better Muslims with a better level of 'Iman' and purer heart devoting to Allah. Then everything that we do can be described as 'At-Tayyib'. This condition is attained by those who observe the manners, earning, drinking, eating the 'Tayyib' and giving charity from the 'Tayyib'. We will then be the 'Tayyibun', pure and blessed by Allah.

(Reference: Commentary of Forty Hadiths of An-Nawawi by Dr. Jamal Ahmed Badi)

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