Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Studies by IOU (8 Semesters of 5 Months)

About the University

The Islamic Online University (IOU) was launched by Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips in 2007 as a higher education institution that offers intensive online undergraduate and graduate programs completely tuition-free. Our university is committed to spreading beneficial knowledge that is easily affordable and will benefit not only individual students, but also empower entire communities. The IOU provides an equal opportunity for all students and makes earning a degree a real possibility even for the neediest of students. Students can benefit from tuition-free accredited BA and MA degrees in various fields of study.

Overview of the Degree Programme

This is an online Bachelor’s Degree program in Islamic Studies offered by Islamic Online University. This is a major step towards helping Muslims across the globe to fulfill the Prophet’s command to seek knowledge of the religion and to correct and enhance their understanding of its tenets.

The program consists of recorded audio and video lectures and weekly live tutorial classes in a virtual classroom. The syllabus is based on the bachelor’s degree program in Usool ud-Deen (Religious Foundations) of Madeenah University, Saudi Arabia, Omdurman Islamic University, Sudan, Al-Azhar University, Egypt and other similar reputable Islamic institutions. Six subjects are offered in each semester of five month duration. There is an online mid-term exam after two and a half months of study and a supervised online final exam at the end of the fifth month. Students can access their classes according to their convenience. However, assignments have to be turned in, and exams (mid-term and final) have to be taken at fixed times.

Studying with the Islamic Online University is affordable, and manageable. We are an institute that seeks its reward from Allah, and therefore do not charge tuition fees. There is just a semester registration fee which is calculated on a sliding scale (from $70 to $160) depending on the student’s country of residence.

Course Outline/Overview

Semester 1

1 - Tajweed I

2 - Aqeedah I (Ibaadah)

3 - Fiqh I (Math’habs)

4 - Arabic I (Reading, Writing and Grammar I)

5 - Computer Studies

6 - Etiquettes of Seeking Knowledge

Semester 2

1 - Tajweed II

2 - Aqeedah II (Asmaa & Sifaat)

3 - Fiqh II (Ibaadaat)

4 - Arabic II (Grammar II)

5 - Seerah I (Prophetic Biography)

6 - English II

Semester 3

1 - Tafseer I: Uloom al-Quraan

2 - Aqeedah III (Tahaawiyyah)

3 - Fiqh III (Mu’aamalaat I)

4 - Hadeeth I: Terminology

5 - Seerah II (Prophetic Biography)

6 - Arabic III (Grammar III)

Semester 4

1 - Research Methodology

2 - Aqeedah IV (Heresiology)

3 - Fiqh IV (Mu’aamalaat II)

4 - Hadeeth II (The Best of Islam)

5 - Islamic Psychology

6 - Arabic IV (Grammar IV)

Semester 5

1 - Tafseer II (Surah Yaaseen)

2 - Aqeedah V (Comparative I)

3 - Fiqh V (Usool al-Fiqh)

4 - Islamic Management

5 - Dawah and Duaat

6 - Arabic V (Grammar V)

Semester 6

1 - Tafseer III (Surah al-Kahf)

2 - Aqeedah VI (Comparative II)

3 - Fiqh VI (Inheritance)

4 - Hadeeth III (The Best of Islam)

5 - Islamic Counselling

6 - Arabic VI (Grammar VI)

Semester 7

1 - Islamic History I

2 - Aqeedah VII (Angels, Jinn and Humans)

3 - Fiqh VII (Criminal Law)

4 - Islamic Economics I

5 - Arabic VII (Grammar VII)

6 - Contemporary Dawah Movements

Semester 8

1 - Islamic History II

2 - Fiqh VIII (Maxims and Maqaasid)

3 - Subject Knowledge (Pedagogy)

4 - Islamic Civilization 101

5 - Arabic VIII (Grammar VIII)

6 - BA Thesis

To enroll and further details, please visit Islamic Online University

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