Quran Tajweed Intensive Course by IOU

About the University

The Islamic Online University (IOU) was launched by Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips in 2007 as a higher education institution that offers intensive online undergraduate and graduate programs completely tuition-free. The university is committed to spreading beneficial knowledge that is easily affordable and will benefit not only individual students, but also empower entire communities. The IOU provides an equal opportunity for all students and makes earning a degree a real possibility even for the neediest of students. Students can benefit from tuition-free accredited BA and MA degrees alongwith short courses in various fields of study.

Course Details of “Tajweed Intensive” Program

Join the two-semester Tajweed Intensive program from Islamic Online University with detailed modules, study tips and intensive recitation classes to strengthen and beautify your recitation.

The Tajweed Intensive is a comprehensive course for those students, who already possess the basic knowledge of Tajweed and want to broaden it and beautify their recitation.

The course has been divided into two parts, i-e Tajweed 101 and Tajweed 102

In this part students cover 22 modules of Tajweed classes. Each module contains an audio file, ppt file as well as a video. Students will also be given an online course-book as well as Tajweed tips. In addition to that, through the 20 weeks of study, students will attend three weekly live sessions in groups of 8-10 members.

Intensive Practice

Upon completion of part one, students will receive 4-5 months of three weekly group classes where they will intensively practice what they have learned of the Tajweed 101 & 102 in order to strengthen and beautify their recitation.

Each live class in both parts of the course will last approximately 60 minutes.

Upon successful completion (see below the grade requirements), students will receive an attested Tajweed diploma, in sha’ Allah. A student has to attain 60% marks in order to pass the course.

Minimum Requirements for the Course

For admission to the Tajweed Intensive Program, the basic requirements are:

1. 12 years and above.

2. Proficiency in reading Arabic language.

3. Basic knowledge of Tajweed.

4. High speed Internet connection.



Before you begin registration:

  • Keep all personal information and the required scanned images ready.
  • Use an email you check regularly for the registration. The activation link and regular correspondence from IOU, will be sent to this email address. You might consider creating a new email address for the purpose of your study at IOU.



  1. Fill in the electronic application form. You will be required to sign our disclaimer form online, which can be downloaded here. Check your email inbox for the confirmation mail and click on the provided link to activate your account.
  2. Upload your passport-size color photo and photo ID (passport, national ID card, etc.) to http://iou-gqmc.com/gqmc/up_photo.php
  3. You will receive a confirmation email from within 3-5 days.
  4. On receiving the acceptance email you will be able to follow the below payment and enrollment procedures according to given instructions. 




Upon successful completion of Step 1, you may proceed to the payment and then enroll. Payment and enrollment dates: from 1st to 10th of every month

Note: If you make the payment after 10th of a month, your payment will be logged for the next month and you will be given a chance to enroll that time.

To be able to enroll, the total course registration fee needs to be paid. In order to learn more about the fee, please visit http://www.iou-gqmc.com/tajweed-programs/fees/



At the beginning of each month, an announcement is made where students find an enrollment link through which they may choose a group.

Before attempting to enroll, ensure that you have read and understood our enrollment and payment policies



Once you have chosen a group, you will receive an access to the course page and can begin attending the live sessions.



  • Before selecting a group, make sure that you are able to follow the group’s schedule (remember that class timings are given in Qatar Time).
  • Students who select a group will be requested to attend the classes. The coordinator may agree for a student to change his/her group only in rare and extreme cases of dire necessity.



  • The course registration fee for the Tajweed Intensive Program is neither refundable nor transferable under any circumstances. This is due to the modest fees charged.
  • The course registration fee is deducted from an enrolled student’s account even if the student does not attend any classes.



Students of Tajweed Intensive Program are charged only a modest course registration fee. The fee shall be paid in a single payment.

Tajweed Intensive Program – Fee: USD 120

Payment Policy

  • The payment should not be made until all registration procedures had been completed. To learn more click here.
  • The fees paid to the Islamic Online University for the registration are neither refundable nor transferable under any circumstances. This is due to the modest fee charged.



  • It is the responsibility of the student to read and understand all information pertaining to the GQMC, the admission process, the payment and the enrollment policy, Site News, FAQs, etc.
  • Before contacting the InfoDesk, students are required to search for the required information in the posts available on the website.
  • Students are required to check their email inboxes regularly, and see all messages and notifications received from GQMC staff.
  • Students are expected to attend all live classes.
  • It is required that students behave respectfully at all times. If a student shows disrespect to the instructor or the staff, s/he will be removed from the class and possibly from the University depending on the severity of the disruption.


Completion Requirement

Upon meeting the academic requirements of the Islamic Online University and the standards of performance of the Tajweed Intensive course, a student is awarded a diploma in the Tajweed.


1. Course Requirements

The Tajweed Intensive course consists of 22 modules and live tutorial sessions conducted online.

In order to graduate from the course, a student must:

  • Receive the minimum total score defined below.
  • Attend the live classes of intensive practice.


2. Score Requirements

The minimum requirement for a student to successfully pass the Tajweed Intensive course is:

  • Receive the total score in both semesters minimum: 60%


3. University Requirements

i. Clearance from the Admissions Office

The successful completion of all categories of the Tajweed Intensive program includes successful receipt of the attested (notarized) document at the IOU Headquarters in the Gambia.


ii. Clearance from the IOU Payments Department

The graduation requirements for the Tajweed Intensive program include receiving “No Dues” clearance email from the IOU Payments department.


4. Graduation Fees

All students are required to pay a standard certificate-processing fee of $150 USD upon completion of the program prior to the graduation. The fee covers attestation of the IOU accredited certificate and the postal charges.


For further details and complete procedure, please visit "Tajweed Intensive Course” by Islamic Online University

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