Mufti Menk explains true spirit of sacrifice (Qurbani) on Eid al Adha

Allah commanded Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.) to sacrifice his son as a test of his devotion. Despite his love for the boy, Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.) duly prepared to carry out Allah's command. In remembrance of Ibrahim's willingness to submit himself to the Allah's will, Muslim around the world sacrifice animals on Eid al Adha.

This is informative and inspirational short lecture by Mufti Menk about true spirit of sacrifice or qurbani on the day of Eid al Adha and why Eid ul Adha is celebrated by Muslims around the world.

May Allah accept all our Prayers, Sacrifices, Supplications (Dua) and good deeds. Please do remember all Muslims in your prayer.

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