Tour of first Islamic Mosque i-e Masjid-e-Quba by Yasir Qadhi

History of Quba Mosque:

Quba Mosque / Masjid e Quba / Masjid Al-Quba is the mosque that was first built by the Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.) in the month of Rabi al-Awwal, 1 AH (622 CE). Quba Mosque is located outside the city of Medinah precisely about 5 kilometers southeast of the city of Medinah. Current Quba Mosque is different from that which was originally build by the Prophet (S.A.W.) and his companions (R.A.) as the mosque saw many expansions and renovations especially during last 50-80 years. The original design and concept of Quba Mosque was carried out by the Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.).

Quba Mosque was first built on a palm garden with an area of 1,200 square meters and currently the area of the mosque is around 5,000 square meters. The mosque has 19 doors with 3 main doors where the pilgrims enter the mosque. Two main doors are used by male pilgrims while the other main door used as the entrance for female worshipers. Across the main hall of the mosque, there is a room that is used as a place for teaching and learning.

This is a tour video of this famous mosque and Dr. Yasir Qadhi explains the importance of the mosque.

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