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Home News 5 Habits That Lead Muslims to Jannah!

5 Habits That Lead Muslims to Jannah!

IslamicFinder  .  Thursday March 17, 2022
 . Knowledge

Working on our character for the sake of the Almighty Allah can help us achieve the best of both worlds as we gain countless rewards.

In Surah Mu’minun, Allah (SWT) has promised the Jannah to those who abide by the following habits:

1- Remain Humble In Prayers
(Al-Mu’minun: 2)

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala loves those who remain humble in their prayers. Indeed, humility only comes to those who insist on becoming closer to Allah (SWT) through good deeds.

2- Refrain From Ill Speech
(Al-Mu’minun: 3)

Another one of the superior qualities of the people worthy of Jannah is that they refrain from uttering bad words and never backbite.

3- Pay Zakah
(Al-Mu’minun: 4)

When Allah (SWT) grants us wealth and bounties, it becomes a duty upon us to spend in the way of the Almighty and ease hardships for those struggling to make ends meet.

4- Keep Promises
(Al-Mu’minun: 8)

Similarly, those considered worthy of Jannah are known for keeping their words, knowing Allah (SWT) is the ever-present Witness over everything.

5- Maintain Prayers 

(Al-Mu’minun: 9)

Moreover, Allah (SWT) loves those who remain consistent in their prayers, always turning to Him humbly and asking for His guidance.

May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala reward us with goodness and guide us to the right path. Ameen.

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