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How to be a Muslim parent?

Omam Khalid  .  Tuesday September 26, 2017
 . Lifestyle

One of the most demanding tasks of all times is to be a good parent, especially in this day and age. Our lives have been made public and we have no problems showing off to the world what we are up to. For years this social world has created a big gap between the young generation and their parents because they occupied different spaces in the world and the disconnection between them was too much. Undeniably, however, one can no longer ignore the vacuum that has been created within many relationships especially parent-child relations. It is time for the parents to wake up and get in involved in the lives of their children and help and guide them towards what is good and right and steer them away from what is immoral and wrong.

It is a parent’s job to make sure that their children are not only conscious Muslims but also better human beings who are able to differentiate right from wrong and make rational choices in life. Here is what you can do to make sure you raise good children:

Teach them the importance of faith in Allah (SWT)

It is very important for children to be grounded in reality and have a firm belief in Allah (SWT) and His plan for them. There are many times children and parents are unable to understand and communicate with each other. Hence at those times a firm faith in Allah (SWT) becomes crucial as the foundation of any good Muslim is their belief in Allah (SWT) and His love for His creation.

Be an embodiment of a good Muslim yourself

All parents want their children to be obedient towards them and pray on a regular basis and always tell the truth. However, it is often the case that the parents themselves prove to be poor role models for the children to follow. If parents want their children to treat them with respect and be good Muslims they should set the same standards for themselves so that their kids not only hear them say the right things but also see those things in action and as a result follow in pursuit.

Make time for your children

It is important for both parents to be present in the lives of their children: to keep a check on them and to be their friends. Parents cannot correct the mistakes of their children if they are unaware of the on goings in the life of their child. It is important to maintain a healthy and respectful relationship between the two parties so that there is space in this relationship to listen to and understand each other.

Keep an eye on their activities

It is also essential for parents to be involved in their children’s lives. Ask them what they are up to and inquire about their problems. Make sure you provide them with all the comforts in the world but in doing so don’t give them everything they demand. Keep an eye on their friends on social media and see who they talk to and to what extent. Make sure you have an adult conversation with them about the dangers of such activities and how they lead you away from Allah (SWT) and the real purpose in life.

Make Quran their best friend

Quran is the best gift a teenager can receive. It is not only a way of life but it also has an answer for every bad situation one might find themselves in. Make sure your children follow the path of a good Muslim because if they fulfill their duties towards Allah (SWT) then they will definitely be on the right path in their lives.

Allah (SWT) says in the Quran:

O my son, establish prayer, enjoin what is right, forbid what is wrong, and be patient over what befalls you. Indeed, [all] that is of the matters [requiring] determination. (Quran 31:17)

It is the only path that we should aspire to follow and also teach our children these lessons so that they are not wooed by anything that leads them astray.

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