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The story behind the stoning of Satan during Hajj
Omam Khalid . September 05, 2017 . Knowledge

The stoning of Satan is not just an act but carries deeper meaning and symbology.

Common mistakes made on the Day of Arafah
Guest Writer . August 31, 2017 . Knowledge

People from all over the world come to perform pilgrimage, however several mistakes are often made in the performance of the rituals.

Eid ul Adha: Celebrating it in a responsible way
Omam Khalid . August 29, 2017 . Lifestyle

Eid ul Adha is a festival that encompasses a lot more than just sacrificing animals.

This is what gives so much importance to the Day of Arafat in Islam
Amna Anwaar . August 28, 2017 . Knowledge

It was on this blessed day that Allah completed and perfected Islam.

Hajj Packing Guide
Amna Anwaar . August 28, 2017 . Lifestyle

Leaving for Hajj? Here's a comprehensive guide for your Hajj trip.

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