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What Does It Mean to Love For the Sake of Allah (SWT)?
IslamicFinder . February 21, 2022 . Knowledge

Let's inspire each other to love for the Almighty's sake!

3 Effective Tips to Follow If You Keep Missing Your Salah!
IslamicFinder . February 06, 2022 . Knowledge

Three effective tips to follow for overcoming procrastination when it’s time to perform Salah!

7 Proven Health Benefits of Ablution (Wudhu)
IslamicFinder . January 25, 2022 . Knowledge

Performing Wudhu (ablution) purifies our body, in addition to inducing health benefits that positively affect our mental and physical wellbeing.

10 Tips To Boost Your Mental Health
Rida Ghaffar . February 19, 2021 . Lifestyle

Practice these tips everyday for fruitful results.

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