New Feature Alert: Athan presents Ramadan Book

Kamis Februari 24, 2022

Make the best of Ramadan this year with Athan

Written by Rida Ghaffar

It is that time of the year when thousands of Muslims welcome the most blessed month of the year - Ramadan. From suhoor to iftar to recitation of the Holy Quran, and the night of Qadr - Ramadan is a treasure trove of blessings. 

The Athan App presents a host of new features to help you spend this month in the most meaningful way. Athan App will not only help you double your blessings but will also make your Ramadan exciting!

This year, Athan App's launched a new feature Ramadan Book that allows you to log Prayers, Deeds, and Fasts. A great way to keep track of them and evaluate your performance, right? Well, it does not just end here. 

Let us take a deeper look at them:

Prayer Log

Prayer logs help you mark your offered daily prayers and track prayer performance throughout the week with accurate weekly statistics. This feature can be your go-to as it eliminates your fear of missing out on the rewards of obligatory prayers. Great isn’t it? Try this on the Athan app and experience the convenience!

Deeds Log

The feature shows one Deed every day, and all you have to do is complete it and check it off the list of the deeds. You can complete some deeds ahead of time and mark them in advance as well. The choice is yours. What is even more exciting is that on completing all 29/30 deeds you unlock an EXCLUSIVE Athan badge because we believe every achievement deserves a reward. 


Fasts Log

This innovative feature helps you track your fasts throughout the month of Ramadan. In case you have missed any fasts, you will receive reminders to complete them. Even after Ramadan passes, the 'missed fasts cards' will be displayed on the App home screen throughout Shawwal so that you can catch up on your religious obligations. 

Please note that your fasts can not be marked for future days but only for the past and present ones. Once you successfully check off all the fasts, you will get a badge to celebrate your success!


Besides the Ramadan book, do not forget about the other features you already love: 

Al Quran feature

Read the most authentic Holy Quran this Ramadan with Athan. Personalize your experience with our custom themes, fonts, and other exciting features to make it more engaging for you!

Qibla Finder

Are you always on-the-go? Do you often face trouble finding the Qibla direction? Take no stress because Athan has you covered with its Qibla Finder feature. This feature leaves no chance for you to miss out on the blessings of Allah (SWT). It helps you offer Salah on time throughout Ramadan and beyond. 

Islamic Calendar

Every Ramadan, the Islamic Calendar becomes your best friend, right? It helps you keep track of Ashrahs and important worship nights, such as the Night of Qadr. Believe it or not, it will make your life easier!

To have a fruitful experience this Ramadan, do not miss out on these exciting opportunities created for you by Athan. 

Download Athan App now! 

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