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Beranda Berita This Canadian Organisation is working for Kashmir Earthquake Relief!

This Canadian Organisation is working for Kashmir Earthquake Relief!

Rida Ghaffar  .  Rabu Oktober 02, 2019
 . Current Affairs

The epicentre of the 5.2 magnitude quake was near the city of Mirpur, 22 km north of the city of Jhelum along the boundary separating the agricultural heartland of Punjab province and Pakistan-administered Kashmir, the US geological agency, USGS, reported.

Piles of rubble could be seen as darkness fell on the village, with the sound of women wailing in mourning. Others spoke only in whispers, fearful of aftershocks. More than 19 people have been killed and 300 injured after a shallow earthquake struck north-eastern Pakistan, tearing car-sized cracks into roads and heavily damaging infrastructure. Sardar Gulfaraz, deputy inspector general of police in Mirpur, in a televised address said:

“At least 19 people have been killed and more than 300 wounded.”

Telecommunication towers, electrical poles and houses have collapsed, and car-sized cracks in roads have left the area in a state of destruction. An immediate rescue operation has been launched by local authorities, however the coming days are crucial in saving lives and being able to provide food, shelter, and basic needs to those who have lost so much.

Human Concern International, a Canadian Muslim organisation working to decrease global poverty and saving lives. This organisation aims for Canadians to mobilize their collective power to protect and improve the lives of vulnerable people all around the world. HCI is on the ground, working hand in hand with local NGO’s, and is involved in the distribution of Emergency Relief Kits, consisting of food, water, tents, and other supplies to Kashmir. 

We urge all our fellow Muslims to contribute and Donate Now for the Kashmir Earthquake Relief. Let’s all work together in order to help those in need!

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