Read Surah Inshiqaqwith translation
لَتَرْكَبُنَّ طَبَقًا عَن طَبَقٍ
Latarkabunna tabaqan AAan tabaqin
[That] you will surely experience state after state.
فَمَا لَهُمْ لَا يُؤْمِنُونَ
Fama lahum la yuminoona
So what is [the matter] with them [that] they do not believe,
وَإِذَا قُرِئَ عَلَيْهِمُ ٱلْقُرْءَانُ لَا يَسْجُدُونَ
Waitha quria AAalayhimu alquranu la yasjudoona
And when the Qur'an is recited to them, they do not prostrate [to Allah]?
بَلِ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا۟ يُكَذِّبُونَ
Bali allatheena kafaroo yukaththiboona
But those who have disbelieved deny,
وَٱللَّهُ أَعْلَمُ بِمَا يُوعُونَ
WaAllahu aAAlamu bima yooAAoona
And Allah is most knowing of what they keep within themselves.
فَبَشِّرْهُم بِعَذَابٍ أَلِيمٍ
Fabashshirhum biAAathabin aleemin
So give them tidings of a painful punishment,
إِلَّا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ وَعَمِلُوا۟ ٱلصَّٰلِحَٰتِ لَهُمْ أَجْرٌ غَيْرُ مَمْنُونٍۭ
Illa allatheena amanoo waAAamiloo alssalihati lahum ajrun ghayru mamnoonin
Except for those who believe and do righteous deeds. For them is a reward uninterrupted.
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