Read Surah Saffatwith translation
رَّبُّ ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَٱلْأَرْضِ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا وَرَبُّ ٱلْمَشَٰرِقِ
Rabbu alssamawati waalardi wama baynahuma warabbu almashariqi
Lord of the heavens and the earth and that between them and Lord of the sunrises.
إِنَّا زَيَّنَّا ٱلسَّمَآءَ ٱلدُّنْيَا بِزِينَةٍ ٱلْكَوَاكِبِ
Inna zayyanna alssamaa alddunya bizeenatin alkawakibi
Indeed, We have adorned the nearest heaven with an adornment of stars
وَحِفْظًا مِّن كُلِّ شَيْطَٰنٍ مَّارِدٍ
Wahifthan min kulli shaytanin maridin
And as protection against every rebellious devil
لَّا يَسَّمَّعُونَ إِلَى ٱلْمَلَإِ ٱلْأَعْلَىٰ وَيُقْذَفُونَ مِن كُلِّ جَانِبٍ
La yassammaAAoona ila almalai alaAAla wayuqthafoona min kulli janibin
[So] they may not listen to the exalted assembly [of angels] and are pelted from every side,
دُحُورًا وَلَهُمْ عَذَابٌ وَاصِبٌ
Duhooran walahum AAathabun wasibun
Repelled; and for them is a constant punishment,
إِلَّا مَنْ خَطِفَ ٱلْخَطْفَةَ فَأَتْبَعَهُۥ شِهَابٌ ثَاقِبٌ
Illa man khatifa alkhatfata faatbaAAahu shihabun thaqibun
Except one who snatches [some words] by theft, but they are pursued by a burning flame, piercing [in brightness].
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