Associate of Arts in Business Administration by IOU (4 Semesters)

About the University

The Islamic Online University (IOU) was launched by Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips in 2007 as a higher education institution that offers intensive online undergraduate and graduate programs completely tuition-free. The university is committed to spreading beneficial knowledge that is easily affordable and will benefit not only individual students, but also empower entire communities. The IOU provides an equal opportunity for all students and makes earning a degree a real possibility even for the neediest of students. Students can benefit from tuition-free accredited BA and MA degrees alongwith short courses in various fields of study.

Overview of the Degree Program

Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.)said:
“Indeed the merchants will be resurrected on the Day of Judgement with the wicked, except the one who has taqwa of Allah, who behaves charitably and is truthful.” (Tirmidhi: 1210)

The Associate of Arts in Business Administration is a 2-year program, designed to provide students with comprehensive knowledge of the basic functional areas of business and their interconnection, while also allowing for specialization in a particular area. However, this subject is often taught completely from a secular perspective. Hence, students remain unaware of the rich legacy of the Islamic principles in the fields of accounting, management, finance, entrepreneurship and leadership.

The Islamic Online University offers a rare opportunity to study all the core business disciplines such as accounting, finance, human resource management, strategic management, organizational behavior, business ethics, business law and marketing within an Islamic framework. It provides a combination of erudite Islamic wisdom and contemporary knowledge of a diverse field to produce leaders, visionaries and entrepreneurs. This program will teach students how to excel and contribute positively in today’s competitive world without compromising one’s beliefs and ideals.

Course Overview

The course is consists of Four Semester. Following are the details of subjects in each semester:

Semester 1

1 - Aqeedah (101)

2 - Etiquettes of Seeking Knowledge (101)

3 - Principles of Economics

4 - Introduction to Business

5 - Principles of Marketing

6 - Principles of Management

Semester 2

1 - Fiqh (101)

2 - Islamic Management

3 - Organizational Behaviour

4 - Money and Banking

5 - Principles of Accounting

6 - Professional Development

Semester 3

1 - Business Communication

2 - Fiqh of Muamalat (I)

3 - Managerial Accounting

4 - Organization and Management

5 - Marketing Research

6 - Business Ethics

Semester 4

1 - Islamic Psychology (101)

2 - Statistics and Econometrics

3 - Financial Management

4 - Managerial Economics

5 - International Management

6 - Human Resource Management

To enroll and further details, please visit Islamic Online University - Associate of Arts in Business Administration (ABA)

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