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Home News 5 Life Lessons to Learn From Surah Yusuf

5 Life Lessons to Learn From Surah Yusuf

IslamicFinder  .  Tuesday June 28, 2022
 . Knowledge

“We relate to you, [O Muḥammad], the best of stories in what We have revealed to you of this Qur’ān although you were, before it, among the unaware.” – Al-Yusuf: 3

The story of Prophet Yusuf AS in the Qur’an is one that we can all relate to in different stages of our lives. Surah Yusuf holds in itself a compelling and fascinating story, summarizing praise-worthy characters and touching on sensitive topics of human nature and weaknesses. 

In Surah Yusuf, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala narrates to us about Prophet Yusuf’s life – the troubles, joys, and sorrows he experienced throughout his journey. We saw how toxic traits like hatred, jealousy, and deception were unleashed against him, and yet how he conquered with his patience, bravery, and reliance upon Allah SWT. 

While it is essential to read the full chapter with its translation to fully grasp the topics encapsulated, let us summarize the top 5 life lessons to learn from Surah Yusuf to live a victorious and pious life.

1- Keep Your Dreams and Achievements Private

Surah Yusuf teaches us to be discrete in what we dream and want to achieve in life, for everyone who is blessed is envied by at least some. Therefore, it is best to keep your ambitions and accomplishments between yourself and the Almighty.

2- Dreams Do Come True, If Allah (SWT) Wills

“And thus will your Lord choose you and teach you the interpretation of narratives [i.e., events or dreams] and complete His favor upon you and upon the family of Jacob, as He completed it upon your fathers before, Abraham and Isaac. Indeed, your Lord is Knowing and Wise.” – Al-Yusuf: 6

Verse 6 from Surah Yusuf tells us to have faith in Allah SWT and remain steadfast, for He knows when is the right time to fulfill your dreams. Your share of happiness will always reach you; you just need to be patient with it.

3- Worldly Pain Is Better Than Eternal Punishment

This is yet another important life lesson to learn from Surah Yusuf to lead a guilt-free life and a beautiful Hereafter. It is always better to walk away from temptation and face severe repercussions of worldly life than to compromise your faith and earn even more severe punishment in the afterlife.

4- Never Lose Hope In His Mercy

If you ask, only ask from Allah SWT. We may sometimes make the mistake of thinking that people have the capacity to bring us good fortune or harm. However, the truth is that everything happening to us is predestined, and it is only Allah who can shower His mercy upon us in good and bad times.

5- Practice Sabr

Lastly, it is important to remain patient amidst all mysteries and agonies. In the face of trials, Prophet Yusuf AS always remained steadfast and so, Allah (SWT) blessed him with the best for His patience and complete trust in Him.

And indeed, success comes only by the will of Allah SWT, and He alone knows what is best for us all!

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