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Home News 5 Tips to Ease Your Child Into Observing Salah

5 Tips to Ease Your Child Into Observing Salah

IslamicFinder  .  Tuesday May 10, 2022
 . Knowledge

Most parents become anxious when their child turns seven, yet the little ones still aren’t in the habit of praying salah with consistency. 

A child must start observing salah regularly from the age of seven. Therefore, it is upon the parents to ease their children into observing this Fard deed with love and understanding long before the time comes. 

Considering the importance of this obligatory duty, we have 5 tips for parents to help their children build this habit with a strong foundation.

1- Display Prayer Times Where Everyone Can See

Hang a prayer times chart in your home or make a DIY board with the help of your little ones. This will show them the importance of salah and praying on time from a young age.

2- Get Digital

It’s a digital age where kids pick up from their parents’ digital lifestyle as much as they do observing their behavior otherwise. So, download an Islamic app that reminds you of your prayer obligations via notifications. 

Soon enough, your kids will notice it and subconsciously learn the importance of including salah in daily life.

3- Put Your Child In Charge

Children love being in charge. You can use this in your favor by assigning them the task of reminding family members when it’s time to pray. 

This will help them establish a strong sense of duty and habit of observing salah on time.

4- Turn Salah Into a Family Bonding Time

Furthermore, you should aim to pray at least one salah together as a family. Soon, you’ll start noticing it becoming a time that your child looks forward to. 

Plus, it can be the time of day where you can bond with them afterward to strengthen your connection.

5- Surprise Them With a Prayer Accessory

Kids get excited when gifts are involved. Start presenting them with a prayer rug, hijab, a misbaha, or any other praying accessory, and they will count the seconds till they can offer their next salah.

Every child is different. Therefore, while you may need to tweak some tips here and there to match your little ones’ behavior and needs better, these will still prove effective in making salah a significant part of their lives.

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