A Muslim Entrepreneur helps the homeless in UK

الثلاثاء يناير ٢٢, ٢٠١٩

Find out how this young businessman won the hearts of those in need.

Written by Rida Ghaffar

How does it feel to know that Muslims escape their comfort zones and lend a hand, taking an extra step; getting praised by the ones who deserve the necessities of living an ordinary life. Indeed, it feels different. If feels like something really worthy has been done and the explanation of that feeling gets beyond words.

A young British Muslim entrepreneur, Qamar Aziz, is one of those people who felt exactly the same by reaching out to the homeless. He is the owner of a Laundry Room in High Wycombe, a town northwest of London in UK. Lately, he opened his launderette to the homeless and provided them free services and blankets. This has been reported by Metro.co.uk.

“It was very cold last week – the temperatures dropped massively- so I thought let’s go and get some waterproof duvets and hand them out.”

Qamar Aziz has been handing out blankets and duvets to people in the last few weeks after getting inspired by a homeless man outside his shop. His team went out and gave 40 to 50 blankets in different areas of the town. For him, it was amazing to see just how much they appreciated it.

“A lot of these people weren’t alcoholics or drug addicts or anything, they had just been brought into that situation or fallen on hard times.”

The kind-hearted shop owner offered his service free of cost and soon realized others may be in a similar situation so he decided to open it up to others. Qamar, whose initiative has helped over 400 rough sleepers last year as well, is happy to help the needy. He says:

“We’ve had all sorts of people come in to use it, not necessarily homeless but people who have lost their jobs and don’t have money, single mothers, pregnant ladies who have no houses and are living in hostels, which really motivates me to continue doing more for them.”

He also said that:

“It doesn’t really cost much for me at all – just seeing the smile on their face is the best feeling.”

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) once said:

You gain no victory or livelihood except through (the blessings and invocations of) the poor amongst you. (Sahih Al Bukhari 1: Chapter 57, Hadith 2896)

May Allah (SWT) keep motivating the Muslim Ummah to help the needy and contribute in humanitarian causes. These actions not only result in rewards but also self-satisfaction amongst individuals. Spread this message of goodwill to fellow Muslims hoping that many get inspired and execute such actions on their own as well.

See also: Duas for Thanking Allah (SWT)

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