How are Fundraising Initiatives reaching new heights for Muslims in Canada 2018?

Jumaat Disember 07, 2018

2018 has witnessed some thought provoking initiatives and there's no reason for you not to contribute.

Written by Rida Ghaffar

Year after year, we all witness something thoughtful and meaningful in regards to the efforts made for those who need assistance the most. Recently, Human Concern International in partnership with the Canada Bangladesh Muslim Community hosted an Orphan Education Fundraising Tour with Sheikh Yasir Qadhi.

The prominent Muslim scholar, Sheikh Yasir Qadhi, spoke on the topic "Islam in the 21st Century: A Path Forward". The proceeds from this tour benefited the Orphans’ education project in Bangladesh. The event was held in Ottawa on Sunday November 25th for an evening of Inspiration towards a great cause. The Pakistani-American scholar, who has written numerous books and lectured widely on Islam and contemporary Muslim issues enlightened a myriad of people by his discussion.

The event’s organizer, Human Concern International (HCI), is an NGO dedicated to help alleviate human suffering through sustainable development projects and emergency relief assistance programs that foster self-reliance and intend to preserve human dignity.

Meanwhile, the other organizer, The Canada Bangladesh Muslim Community’s objective is to sustain and promote the religious, cultural and social values of the Bangladeshi Muslims in Canada by involving Canadian Bangladeshi youth who are either born or have been raised in Canada; to enable them to think through their identity trajectory. This would help them establish an identity that is multifaceted, Islamic, Canadian and Bangladeshi; all in one, in order to become proud Canadian of Islamic faith. According to the website of CBMC, the objective is:

To promote greater understanding, mutual respect, tolerance and cooperation amongst Canadians of diverse religious, cultural, social and multi-faith groups in Canada.

Well of course, it was a great initiative but what else? We all know that Winter has arrived. Alas, with the freezing temperatures comes an opportunity to give the gift of warmth to a child in Canada. Help provide a complete winter survival bundle for children from Indigenous communities in Canada including necessary winter clothing, nutritional, and household items for a young child.

Yes! That’s right. With your help, help contribute with HCI to raise enough for a hundred winter survival bundles for young children living in difficult conditions in numerous communities. For $200 per winter survival bundle, you can bring warmth and comfort to a child from an Indigenous community for the entire season of winter! Great, isn’t it? A simple act can warm hearts and grow communities. No doubt, Allah(SWT) will bestow you with more than you give as you pile up your naikis (rewards) overtime.

So, what are you waiting for? Donate to Human Concern International Now! Be the change in someone’s life just by this simple gesture of charity.

The Prophet Mohammad (SAW) once said:

“The believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity.” ( Al-Tirmidhi)

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