Ginger and Turmeric Soup

Friday February 26, 2021

This soup is infused with the strong ingredients of garlic and turmeric which help fight bacteria and enhance the overall immune system, especially during stress and cold.

Written by IslamicFinder

Servings: 6


  • ¼ cup coconut oil
  • 6 cloves garlic
  • 1 tablespoon ginger
  • 1 yellow onion, chopped
  • ⅓ cup slivered almonds
  • 2 tablespoons turmeric
  • 2 tablespoons curry powder
  • 2 red bell peppers, seeded and rough chopped
  • 1 pound sweet potatoes, peeled and chopped
  • 2 bay leaf
  • 6 cups vegetable broth
  • Kosher salt and black pepper
  • Garnish with olive oil, black pepper, chives and avocado chunks


  1. In a large pot, add the coconut oil with the garlic, ginger, onion, almonds, turmeric and curry powder and stir to mix everything well. Cook over medium heat until tender (about 5 minutes).
  2. Add the bell pepper and sweet potatoes, along with the bay leaf and then add the vegetable broth to cover everything. Bring it to a simmer and then add a lid and turn the heat to low.
  3. Simmer for 30 minutes until the sweet potatoes are tender. 
  4. Set the bay leaf aside and then, working in batches, puree the soup until creamy and smooth. Transfer them back to the pot.
  5. Add the bay leaf back to the soup and simmer for another 15 minutes.
  6. Season with kosher salt and black pepper.

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