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Home News Prophet Muhammad (SAW): The Prime Example for All Humanity

Prophet Muhammad (SAW): The Prime Example for All Humanity

IslamicFinder  .  Sunday June 05, 2022
 . Knowledge

Salam o Alaikum!

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was assigned the immense responsibility of preaching the way of life to mankind. He spent his life as a dedicated believer, relaying several traits that are perceived as life lessons for the Ummah.

Some of the important lessons to learn from the life of the Holy Prophet (SAW) include:

1- Honestly Is the Best Solution

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was called ‘Sadiq and Ameen’ for his honesty and truthfulness. He was always just during his business dealings and followed the same trait in his personal life.

2- Humbleness Is Always Admired

Prophet SAW never lost his composure and always stayed humble when conducting with his friends, family, followers, and even enemies. Not only did he remain humble in speech but also his lifestyle choices, including his food and clothes preferences.

3- Health Is Key

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) ensured prioritizing his mental and physical health as well. He knew it was a necessity if he wanted to effectively spread the message of Islam and come across as a prime example for all humanity.

4- Helping Hands Shouldn’t Be Tied Down

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) often stated not to back down when helping others in need. Even giving charity is a Sadaqah that adds barakah to not only one’s life but also the afterlife.

5- Honor and Respect to Get It In Return

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) also taught his followers never to ignore the rights that others have upon them. Only when we do good for others do we receive the same in return. 

May Allah (SWT) grant us the chance to follow in Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) footsteps. Ameen.

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