We will go over some tips on how to become more consistent with your Salah.
Why 5 daily Prayers should not be abandoned according to Quran and Hadith?
Let’s avoid these major sins to keep our Iman strong!
Struggling to make a hard decision? This article is for you!
Salah gives us the unmeasurable joy of being in Allah's presence!
Night Prayer is a prevention from sins and wrongdoings.
What’s the verdict on taking a ghusl on Jumu’ah?
There’s great virtue in observing the Isha prayer regularly!
Click here for a short Jummah checklist!
Tips and coping strategies to avoid overthinking!
Some must-know benefits about the morning prayer!
Salat is nourishment for our mind, body, and soul. Learn how to get ready for it with ALIF App!