These children need your help the most!

Jumat Mei 29, 2020

Learn how helping them will result in great rewards for you.

Written by Rida Ghaffar

As a Muslim, it is our responsibility to protect others from any kind of harm and provide help to those who are in need such as orphans. Islam has laid great great importance on helping the needy. Allah (SWT) has stated in the Holy Quran that: 

“And they feed, for the love of Allah, the poor, the orphan, and the captive…” [ Surah al-Insaan: 8

The unprivileged, parent deprived kids, are termed ‘Yatim’ in the Holy Quran, known as Orphans. Islam, being the religion of peace and tranquility, endorses the significance of looking after these kids. Moreover, in the Quran, the topic on orphans has been mentioned for over twenty times and is also signified by the Hadith and Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) many times. Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) once mentioned: 

“I and the caretaker of the orphan will enter Paradise together like this, raising (by way of illustration) his forefinger and middle finger jointly, leaving no space in between.” [Saheeh al-Bukhaari]

Many organizations are working for Orphans today. One of them is Zakat Foundation of America. The loss of one or both parents as a result of war, illness, or natural disaster is a traumatic and harsh reality for millions of children worldwide. So, to cater to the needs of these individuals, Zakat foundation of America aims to provide care and assistance to those children who have lost their parents’ love and support, allowing them to thrive and receive an education. 

The organization offers Orphan Sponsorship Program which provides orphaned children with hope, love and prospects for the future. The orphans are connected with their sponsors so that they know about each other and communicate with one another. Moreover, essentials like food, education, hygiene, and other urgent aid is catered; about 75,500 a year are facilitated. 

Furthermore, Orphanage Assistance is also provided by the charitable organization. As it is widely known, an orphanage is a cost-effective method of supporting several orphans at once. Such great initiatives offered, right? So, contribute your share now and make a living possible for hundreds out there. The rewards you will get in return are countless so start from today. 

Donate to the Zakat Foundation of America now!

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