This Renowned Malaysian Drama Director Converts to Islam!

miércoles mayo 15, 2019

"I've been Muslim for more than a year" admits the Drama Director.

Written by Rida Ghaffar

There is a big list of Muslim converts since the past year and now there is another addition. Popular Malaysia TV drama director, Michael Ang, has now revealed that he converted to Islam a year ago, saying he does not want people to be confused when they see him entering the mosque to perform prayers. He said on Instagram that:

“Alhamdulillah, I’ve been a Muslim for more than a year now and I’m now ready to tell Malaysians about this" 

Ang, whose full name is Ang Hai Swee, further added:

“I’m a new kid on the block, so please correct me when I’m wrong. Pray that I change for the better, and I apologize for keeping it a secret. I felt that it was a matter between God and I, and my loved ones.”

We all have witnessed many famous personalities converting to Islam and it is nothing but a matter of joy for the Muslim Ummah. We thank Allah (SWT) for guiding these individuals on the right path. Some recent examples are of Sinéad O'ConnorOfa Tu’ungafasi, Sonny Bill William, Joram Van Klaveren and Richard McKinney; along with many more. Let’s pray that may others also be given Hidayah and practice Islam like it should be. Ameen.

See also: Duas for Thanking Allah (SWT)

Source: New Straits Times

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