Tips to stay energized during the last 10 days of Ramadan

Rabu Mac 24, 2021

If you want to make your last ten days spiritually and physically productive, you must give your body the essential fuel to maintain its functioning.

Written by Amna Anwaar

As we near the last stretch- the last ten days of the blessed Ramadan, some of us find our bodies in natural sync with the fasting routine, while others feel the fasting routine taking its toll on their physical and mental being.

The change in our regular eating habits in Ramadan can greatly affect our body and levels of energy. In our quest to attain higher levels of spirituality in Ramadan, we tend to become a little careless when it comes to taking care of our health. Upon welcoming Ramadan, most of us often end up welcoming conditions of overeating, under-eating, dehydration, lethargy, sleeplessness and what not. It is a Divinely designated duty on every human being to preserve their health, as our body is an amaanat, a keepsake, from our Lord and we must protect it.

If you want to make your last ten days spiritually and physically productive, you must give your body the essential fuel to maintain its functioning. To power through your extensive worship routine and maintain your top supplication levels in the last 10 days, your body requires energy- and a lot of it!

Use the following tips during the last ten days of Ramadan in order to function at your optimal level and preserve your energy that can then be dedicated solely to the act of heartfelt worship:

1. Don’t skip Suhur

Even if you do not feel hungry given the fasting routine, comprising of iftar and late dinners, do not skip suhur. The pre-dawn meal is extremely important for getting you through the daylight hours. Eat energy-releasing foods, which are high in protein, fiber, and carbohydrates. Even the Prophet (PBUH) is known to have said:

“Take Suhur as there is a blessing in it" ( Sahih Bukhari: 1923).

Also See: Suhur and Iftar Times

2. Have a meal instead of a feast

There is no need to overdose on food during Ramadan. We know that food, especially on an empty stomach, looks a bit too tempting and the urge to eat it all is overpowering, especially at iftar. However, you must resist. Overeating leads to abdominal discomfort, causing high levels of laziness and lethargy, leaving your body extremely inactive and energy-less. Instead of having one large meal, have two or three smaller meals throughout the eating hours. You will find yourself to be much more active during your Ibadah routine.

3. Hydrate yourself

Make a mental note to drink at least 8 glasses of water between iftar and suhur. However, don’t chug it down all at once- drink slowly and with gaps. Fruits have a high percentage of water so consciously eat fruits during the eating hours, they’ll also keep you hydrated. Hydration is important for maintaining high levels of energy.

4. No need to be a couch potato

Exercise is super important in Ramadan. It’s not the easiest thing to do, given the fasting routine and lower levels of energy but the exercise is good for your body and really boosts your energy levels. Try to take a walk after the iftar or suhur meal or just make an exercise schedule with light workouts and do them at home. It will wake you up and make you energized to do some Ibadah later on as well.

5. Fix in some power naps throughout the day

Everyone needs at least eight hours of sleep. If you’re not getting it, you will end up feeling tired and lazy throughout the day and ultimately, you won’t end up having the energy to carry out your extensive worship plans. So adjust some power naps in between your salah/worship timings and work schedule. It will really energize you and give you the boost you need to stand in prayer and supplication in the last few days of Ramadan.

6. Remind yourself why you are doing what you’re doing

If you feel yourself getting exhausted towards the end of Ramadan and you feel it’s getting a bit too much- remind yourself of the bigger purpose behind what we’re doing. Remind yourself why you are fasting at all. You are doing it for Allah (SWT) and His pleasure. Remind yourself, that fasting is for our benefit- it nurtures our mind, body, and soul. It helps us introspect and connect with our Lord, through self-restraint and patience. It also instills a sense of empathy in us, helping us understand the suffering and hardship people go through, who are not as fortunate as us. Remind yourself of all this and it will give you the dedication and energy to power through those last ten days and make the most of them.

Also See:

When is Ramadan 2021 

How to fast healthy during Ramadan

Health Guidelines for Ramadan

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