US Muslims in Seattle rescue the Homeless during a heavy snowstorm!

Çarşamba Şubat 20, 2019

American Muslims buy 28 Hotel Rooms, winning hearts of the homeless in US.

Written by Rida Ghaffar

Now many of you might be thinking how from time to time our fellow Muslims take a stand and are able to offer their help to the members of the community they live in. Yes, it certainly is a matter of pride to know how they get more respect and recognition by their efforts. Now, there’s another news and you will surely admire their actions.

Due to a great effort by a Muslim group in Seattle, many homeless people in the region were successfully able to escape the cold weather snap over the weekend; after they were offered free hotel rooms, as reported on Cross Cut.

Nickhath Sheriff, founder of the social services arms of the Muslim Association of Puget Sound, which is known as the Muslim Community Resource Center, said:

“Our Muslim faith teaches us to take care of our neighbors during times of need.”

According to AboutIslam, Muslim Association of Puget Sound (MAPS) provided hotel rooms for all 28 residents of Tent City 4, an encampment in Issaquah. The total cost of providing 14 rooms at a local Motel 6 from Friday, Feb. 8, until Tuesday, Feb. 12, was approximately $4,500.

The effort came as three people, probably homeless, died from exposure over the weekend in King County, Seattle according to Sean Whitcomb, public affairs director for the Seattle Police Department. The Sheriff said:

“It is heartbreaking to see many people in our community without a roof over their head living in the cold and the snow while we stay warm in our homes…this is a small effort on our part to help at least a few of them.”

Edwin Figueroa, 54, is one of those who were offered rooms thanks to the Muslim community donations. Figueroa, who describes himself as spiritual though not religious, stated:

“It is a blessing…they’ve always helped me when I’ve been in trouble. It’s like a springboard.”

See also: Duas for Thanking Allah (SWT)

This month, a US Muslim family offered help by sending out letters indicating they’d be happy to help people in their neighborhood for groceries, medicines etc. Moreover, In the UK, a Muslim entrepreneur opened doors for the homeless and offered free facility for washing clothes. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) once said:

"You gain no victory or livelihood except through (the blessings and invocations of) the poor amongst you."  (Sahih Al Bukhari 1: Chapter 57, Hadith 2896)

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