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Prayer Times in Hong Kong


Prayer Times

Top Cities in Hong Kong

28 Rabi Al-Akhar, 1446 Hijri


All Cities and Towns in Hong Kong

Fung Kat Heung
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.45, E:114.05
Fung Kong Tsuen
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.466667, E:113.98333
Fung Shue Wo
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.35, E:114.1
Fung Wan
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.4, E:114.38333
Fung Wong Shan
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.35, E:114.183334
Fung Wong Village

N:22.35, E:114.2
Fung Wong Wu
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.533333, E:114.15
Fung Yuen
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.466667, E:114.183334
Fung Yuen Lo Tsuen
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.466667, E:114.183334
Futau Chan
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.283333, E:114.26667
Futau Chau
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.283333, E:114.26667
Futau Chow
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.283333, E:114.26667
Gau Tau
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.466667, E:114.433334
George Island
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.233334, E:114.13333
Gin Drinkers Bay
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.35, E:114.11667
Golden Hill
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.366667, E:114.15
Goliath Hill
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.466667, E:114.333336
Gordon Camp
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.383333, E:113.98333
Government House
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.266666, E:114.15
Grass Island
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.483334, E:114.36667
Grasscutter's Pass
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.35, E:114.2
Grassy Hill
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.416666, E:114.166664
Green Island
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.2, E:113.98333
Green Islet
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.35, E:114.35
Gruff Head
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.483334, E:114.316666
Ha Che
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.45, E:114.083336
Ha Chuk Yuen
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.483334, E:114.05
Ha Chung Mei
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.35, E:114.1
Ha Fa Shan
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.383333, E:114.083336
Ha Hang
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.466667, E:114.183334
Ha Heung Yuen
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.55, E:114.166664
Ha Hung
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.466667, E:114.183334
Ha Keng
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.216667, E:114.0
Ha Keng Hau
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.366667, E:114.166664
Ha Ko Tan
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.35, E:114.1
Ha Kok
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.183332, E:113.916664
Ha Kwai Chung
Kwai Tsing
N:22.3539, E:114.1342
Ha Kwai Chung
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.35, E:114.13333
Ha Ling Pei
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.283333, E:113.933334
Ha Loi Tung
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.516666, E:114.166664
Ha Mei San Tsuen
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.45, E:114.0
Ha Mei Tsui
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.183332, E:114.11667
Ha Mei Wan
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.2, E:114.11667
Ha Miu Tin
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.5, E:114.26667
Ha San Wai
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.466667, E:114.05
Ha Shan Kai Wat
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.516666, E:114.15
Ha Tam Shui Hang
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.55, E:114.21667
Ha Tei Ha
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.466667, E:114.2
Ha Tsat Muk Kiu
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.516666, E:114.21667
Ha Tsuen

N:22.4489, E:113.9984
Ha Tsuen
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.45, E:113.98333
Ha Wai
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.45, E:114.1
Ha Wan Tsuen
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.516666, E:114.066666
Ha Wo Che
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.383333, E:114.183334
Ha Wo Hang
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.533333, E:114.2
Ha Wong Yi Au
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.433332, E:114.166664
Ha Wun Yiu
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.433332, E:114.166664
Ha Yau Tin
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.433332, E:114.03333
Ha Yeung
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.3, E:114.28333
Ha Yuen Leng
Hong Kong (general)
N:22.333334, E:114.2

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    2. Tap Privacy > Location Services > Safari Websites.
    3. Under "Allow Location Access," tap While Using the app.
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    2. Tap General > Reset.
    3. Tap Reset Location & Privacy.
    4. If prompted, enter your passcode.
    5. You will see a message that says "This will reset your location and privacy settings to factory defaults." Tap Reset Settings.
    6. Open Safari
    7. Go to IslamicFinder
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    9. To give IslamicFinder access to your location, tap OK
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