5 ways to boost your productivity in Ramadan

Thursday March 25, 2021

Learn some tips and tricks to make it through Ramadan without losing focus.

Written by Omam Khalid

Ramadan demands from Muslims an abstention from food and drink – which are an essential requirement to make it through the day. Food and drinks rejuvenate us and are important means of energy. However, since our routine changes entirely during this holy month, therefore it is important to know some tips and tricks to make it through without losing your focus.

Eat right

If you are one of those people who cannot do without food for long, it is important to plan your Suhoor and Iftar meals. Instead of eating a lot of food, you should focus on high energy items which have all the required proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins. One should particularly avoid salty foods so as to not feel too thirsty during the day. Even at Iftar, eat light but filling food so that it does not make you lazy and cause hindrances in work and in your Ibadah.

Also See: Guidelines to remain healthy during Fast 

Spend time in Ibadaah

Although it may sound difficult but keeping busy is one of the easiest ways to remain productive. If you focus less and less on what you can’t do during your fast and emphasize more on the tasks at hand, it is going to become rather easy to concentrate and actually do your work.

If you indulge yourself in Dikhar and reciting the Quran after Suhoor, it keeps your focus on the essence of Ramadan and refreshes you for work throughout the day. Sleeping right after Suhoor proves to be counter-productive in general.

Also See: Ramadan Duas and Ramadan Ashra Duas


Exercise during Ramadan seems like a counter-intuitive act, especially when one already feels low on energy. But this is actually a great thing about exercise that it revitalizes and rejuvenates you. Throughout the month, either pre-Iftar or post-Iftar, make time for exercise because it not only gives you more energy, it also allows you to focus on your work better.

If you feel sleepy during the day, it is important that you take a little walk even while at work; it will give you a break and allow you to refocus.

In addition, you can also wash your face in intervals to keep yourself fresh throughout the day.

Plan your days

An essential thing to do for maximizing your productivity is to plan your days. Since Ramadan requires resetting your routine from what it has been previously, therefore to make a new routine especially for this month is rather vital. Instead of counting minutes and hours each day, plan ahead of time what you want to achieve during the day. Setting goals, however little they may be, helps significantly. Read the Quran after Suhoor, rest for a while after work, exercise before or after Iftar, do not miss out on your prayers and if you have a little more time left during the day or at night, remember the Lord some more.

Having a set routine removes your attention from food and lethargy and allows you to be more productive during this month – a month where you should maximize as much as you can on everything.

Indulge more in helping others

Whatever little time you have left during the day, give lots of Sadaqah: get involved in charity drives and arrange Iftars for those who may need. When you help others, it not only makes you feel happy but also pleases Allah Almighty and that gives us the strength to do things that are required of us during the day.

The spirit of Ramadan is all about doing more than you do in the entire year – this month does not hinder your productivity in any way if only you learn to focus on your goals and keep in mind the little tips and tricks to help you feel energized and always ready to seize the day.

Ramadan Calendar 2021

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