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Home News 8 Sins & Wrongdoings Forbidden In Islam

8 Sins & Wrongdoings Forbidden In Islam

IslamicFinder  .  Friday November 04, 2022
 . Knowledge

In Islam, major sins are considered those actions that the Almighty and His Messenger SAW have deemed forbidden for us. These may be referred to as Haram or severely frowned-upon deeds in the Quran and Sunnah.

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala also promises us in the Quran that one who avoids the major sins will have their minor sins forgiven.

Verily, in Surah an-Nisa, Ayah 31, it is said:

"If you avoid the major sins which you are forbidden, We will remove from you your lesser sins and admit you to a noble entrance [into Paradise]."

That said, here are 8 major sins and wrongdoings that we, as righteous Muslims, should avoid at all costs:

1- Believing In Astrology & Zodiac Signs

It is considered a major sin, Shirk, to believe in fortune telling of any kind, including astrology. Allah is the Only One who can define our future.

2- Investing In Black Magic

Anyone involved in black magic practices is committing one of the major sins in Islam. Even if we suffer from the repercussions of black magic ourselves, we’re still not allowed to take the path of battling black magic with black magic.

3- Sexual Relationships Outside Marriage

Not to mention, indulging in sexual relationships outside marriage or even normalizing the act of Zina is outright Haram in Islam.

4- Disrespecting Parents

Disobeying our parents, disrespecting them, and leaving them alone in old age; all of these are deeply frowned upon in Islam. Our parents have major rights upon us, and it is up to us to ease our way to Jannah by being there for them while staying loving and patient.

5- Consuming Alcohol Or Drugs

Consumption of alcohol lies on top of the list of Haram deeds in Islam. Taking drugs or getting ourselves involved in its trade is also not permissible and should be avoided at all costs.

6- Delaying Salah On Purpose

As Muslims, we are also not allowed to intentionally delay our Salah, especially when it is just inconvenient for us to pray in the prescribed time.

7- Bearing False Witness

Another one of the greatest sins declared in Islam is to bear false witness. This is when one intentionally lies or hides evidence to avert the course of justice, whether to protect oneself or a loved one.

8- Consuming Riba

Lastly, Allah SWT has prohibited consuming Riba. This includes all dealings that include interest charges on deposits or loans.

May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala protect us from falling into the forbidden traps and keep our path to Jannah clear and purposeful. Ameen.

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