Keeping oneself informed should be a given when it comes to the menstruation cycle.
For example, a wide range of medical conditions can cause prolonged menstrual bleeding that we should know about. These include:
Endometrial cancer – Although rare, this uterine lining cancer may be the most severe cause of prolonged menstrual bleeding.
Bleeding disorders – It causes heavy menstrual bleeding when the blood doesn’t clot properly.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) – Women experiencing PCOS almost always get prolonged periods due to changing hormones.
Thyroid disease – Unhealthy levels of thyroid hormone can also cause periods to be longer than is considered normal.
Intrauterine Device (IUD) – A copper IUD may cause heavier menstrual bleeding, especially during the first year.
Endometriosis – In addition to excessive bleeding, endometriosis also causes significant pain.
Endometrial hyperplasia – An excess level of the hormone ‘estrogen’ can be a cause of concern for prolonged periods.
Uterine fibroids – Also referred to as ‘leiomyoma,’ uterine fibroids often lead to heavy bleeding, causing the menstruation cycle to last longer than a week.
Tried and tested techniques to keep the period cramps at bay.
Here’s what to do to keep your mind and body relaxed during periods!