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Home News The True Meaning of Istikhara

The True Meaning of Istikhara

IslamicFinder  .  Friday November 19, 2021
 . Knowledge

Confused between two options and thinking of turning to Istikhara? Here are a few interesting facts about Istikhara that you need to know before you decide to go for it. 

1) Istikhara literally means “to seek the good"

This world is a confusing place. Many a times we are faced with a dilemma or at a crossroad between two options. It is then that a believer turns to Istikhara to seek divine intervention

2) When you recite the Istikhara dua, you ask Allah (SWT) for the best possible outcome

Turning to Istikhara is a huge responsibility. It is advised to turn to Istikhara when you are ready to accept the outcome Allah (SWT) has chosen for you and to have faith in Him even if the outcome doesn't seem right at that point in time. 

3) You must practice Tawakkal after Istikhara, even if the outcome was not what you hoped for

Be thankful for what Allah (SWT) chose for you and know that He knows what you know not. 

4) You will not necessarily send the answer in a dream/vision/sign. 

Most people are under the impression that they or Allah (SWT) will send the answer in a dream/vision or through a sign. Which may not always be true. 

5) Allah (SWT) may put an inclination in your heart towards the right path.

Sometimes the answer to Istikhara is a sudden change of heart or an inclination towards one of the two options. 

6) Istikhara is just not for marriage

Many people are under the impression that Istikhara can only be done for marriage proposals. This is not true. A believer can turn to Istikhara for their daily decisions pertaining to employment, career choices, property decisions, buying decisions etc. 

...But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad 

for you. And Allah knows, while you know not. (Surah Baqarah: 216) 

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