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Oku Surat FurqanSure okuma

Üzgünüz, aramanizla eslesen herhangi bir ayet bulumadik.

وَهُوَ ٱلَّذِى جَعَلَ لَكُمُ ٱلَّيْلَ لِبَاسًا وَٱلنَّوْمَ سُبَاتًا وَجَعَلَ ٱلنَّهَارَ نُشُورًا

Wahuwa allathee jaAAala lakumu allayla libasan waalnnawma subatan wajaAAala alnnahara nushooran

Onť to jest, jenž učinil vám noc pláštěm a spánek odpočinkem a učinil den vzbuzením.

وَهُوَ ٱلَّذِىٓ أَرْسَلَ ٱلرِّيَٰحَ بُشْرًۢا بَيْنَ يَدَىْ رَحْمَتِهِۦ وَأَنزَلْنَا مِنَ ٱلسَّمَآءِ مَآءً طَهُورًا

Wahuwa allathee arsala alrriyaha bushran bayna yaday rahmatihi waanzalna mina alssamai maan tahooran

Onť to jest, jenž poslal větry s poselstvím milosrdenství svého: a sesíláme s nebe vodu čistou,

لِّنُحْۦِىَ بِهِۦ بَلْدَةً مَّيْتًا وَنُسْقِيَهُۥ مِمَّا خَلَقْنَآ أَنْعَٰمًا وَأَنَاسِىَّ كَثِيرًا

Linuhyiya bihi baldatan maytan wanusqiyahu mimma khalaqna anAAaman waanasiyya katheeran

abychom dali obživnouti jí zemi zmrtvělé a napájíme jí vše, co stvořili jsme: dobytčata i lidi četné.

وَلَقَدْ صَرَّفْنَٰهُ بَيْنَهُمْ لِيَذَّكَّرُوا۟ فَأَبَىٰٓ أَكْثَرُ ٱلنَّاسِ إِلَّا كُفُورًا

Walaqad sarrafnahu baynahum liyaththakkaroo faaba aktharu alnnasi illa kufooran

A rozdělujeme ji mezi nimi, aby pamětlivi byli (nás), však většina lidí odmítá býti vším, leda vzdornými.

وَلَوْ شِئْنَا لَبَعَثْنَا فِى كُلِّ قَرْيَةٍ نَّذِيرًا

Walaw shina labaAAathna fee kulli qaryatin natheeran

A kdybychom byli chtěli, byli bychom vzbudili v každém městě varovatele.

فَلَا تُطِعِ ٱلْكَٰفِرِينَ وَجَٰهِدْهُم بِهِۦ جِهَادًا كَبِيرًا

Fala tutiAAi alkafireena wajahidhum bihi jihadan kabeeran

I neposlouchej nevěřících, nýbrž bojuj proti nim bojováním velkým.

وَهُوَ ٱلَّذِى مَرَجَ ٱلْبَحْرَيْنِ هَٰذَا عَذْبٌ فُرَاتٌ وَهَٰذَا مِلْحٌ أُجَاجٌ وَجَعَلَ بَيْنَهُمَا بَرْزَخًا وَحِجْرًا مَّحْجُورًا

Wahuwa allathee maraja albahrayni hatha AAathbun furatun wahatha milhun ojajun wajaAAala baynahuma barzakhan wahijran mahjooran

Onť to jest, jenž rozlil obě moře, jedno sladké, čerstvé, druhé slané, hořké — a učinil mezi nimi rozhraní a přehradu nepřekročitelnou.

وَهُوَ ٱلَّذِى خَلَقَ مِنَ ٱلْمَآءِ بَشَرًا فَجَعَلَهُۥ نَسَبًا وَصِهْرًا وَكَانَ رَبُّكَ قَدِيرًا

Wahuwa allathee khalaqa mina almai basharan fajaAAalahu nasaban wasihran wakana rabbuka qadeeran

Onť to, jest, jenž stvořil z vody člověka a učinil mu svazky příbuzenské a pokrevní: a Pán tvůj jest všemocný.

وَيَعْبُدُونَ مِن دُونِ ٱللَّهِ مَا لَا يَنفَعُهُمْ وَلَا يَضُرُّهُمْ وَكَانَ ٱلْكَافِرُ عَلَىٰ رَبِّهِۦ ظَهِيرًا

WayaAAbudoona min dooni Allahi ma la yanfaAAuhum wala yadurruhum wakana alkafiru AAala rabbihi thaheeran

A (nicméně) uctívají vedle Boha, co nemůže způsobiti jim prospěchu, aniž jim uškoditi: a nevěřící jest proti Pánu svému pomahačem.

وَمَآ أَرْسَلْنَٰكَ إِلَّا مُبَشِّرًا وَنَذِيرًا

Wama arsalnaka illa mubashshiran wanatheeran

A poslali jsme tě jedině jako věštitele a varovatele,

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Improve your location’s accuracy

Sometimes we might have trouble finding where you are located. Having your current location will help us to get you more accurate prayer times and nearby Islamic places. Here are some things you can do to help fix the problem.

  1. In the top right, click More
  2. Click Settings and then Show advanced settings.
  3. In the "Privacy" section, click Content settings.
    1. In the dialog that appears, scroll down to the "Location" section. Select one of these permissions:
    2. Allow all sites to track your physical location: Select this option to let all sites automatically see your location.
    3. Ask when a site tries to track your physical location: Select this option if you want Google Chrome to alert you whenever a site wants to see your location.
    4. Do not allow any site to track your physical location: Select this option if don't want any sites to see your location.
  4. Click Done.
  1. Open System Preferences and then Security & Privacy Preferences and then Privacy and then Location Services.
  2. To allow for changes, click the lock in the bottom left.
  3. Check "Enable Location Services."
  1. Turn on location
    1. On your phone or tablet, open the Settings app.
    2. Tap Location.
    3. At the top, switch location on.
    4. Tap Mode and then High accuracy.
    If you still get an error when you open IslamicFinder, follow the step 2.
  2. Open Chrome
    1. In the top right, tap More
    2. Tap Settings.
    3. Under "Advanced", tap Site Settings
    4. Tap Location. If you see a toggle, make sure it turned on and blue.
      1. If you see "Location access is turned off for this device," tap the blue words > on the next Settings screen, tap the toggle to turn on location access.
      2. If you see "blocked" under "Location," tap Blocked > tap IslamicFinder > Clear & reset.
    5. Open IslamicFinder in your mobile browser and refresh the web page
    If you're using a browser other than Chrome, visit your browser's help center by visiting their website.
  1. Turn on location
    1. Open Settings app.
    2. Tap Privacy > Location Services > Safari Websites.
    3. Under "Allow Location Access," tap While Using the app.
  2. Give current location access on your browser
    1. Open settings app.
    2. Tap General > Reset.
    3. Tap Reset Location & Privacy.
    4. If prompted, enter your passcode.
    5. You will see a message that says "This will reset your location and privacy settings to factory defaults." Tap Reset Settings.
    6. Open Safari
    7. Go to IslamicFinder
    8. To give Safari access to your location, tap Allow or OK
    9. To give IslamicFinder access to your location, tap OK
  3. If you are using a browser other than Safari, visit your browser's help center by visiting their website.