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Home News 3 Effective Tips to Follow If You Keep Missing Your Salah!

3 Effective Tips to Follow If You Keep Missing Your Salah!

IslamicFinder  .  Sunday February 06, 2022
 . Knowledge

Salam O Alaikum!

After the Shahadah, Salah is considered the most important and inexcusable duty for Muslims.

Therefore, thinking of Salah as a burden not only demotivates us and makes us miss our five obligatory prayers, it also blocks the blessings that Allah (SWT) sends our way when we pray regularly.

However, we can follow these three tips to overcome procrastination when it’s time to perform Salah:

1- Think of Salah as your mandatory 5-minute breather that you get to take five times a day!

2- Use this time to calm down, clear your head, and re-centralize your thoughts productively.

3- Make it your “me-time” to recharge your batteries; treating it as those few precious moments that are entirely yours. It’s your way to connect with Allah (SWT) and ask for His guidance in every aspect of your life.

When you share all your worries and accomplishments with Allah (SWT), He eases your path and removes all obstacles that may be in your way.

May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala accept our Salah and bless us with the best of both worlds. Ameen.

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