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Home News 4 Ways to Reconnect With Allah (SWT) When Feeling Lost

4 Ways to Reconnect With Allah (SWT) When Feeling Lost

IslamicFinder  .  Tuesday March 15, 2022
 . Knowledge

Feeling distant from Allah (SWT) is never an overnight process. Instead, it’s a sense of loneliness that builds up over time but the realization only strikes us when we’ve drifted far away from our Maker. 

It’s a terrifying emotion to experience especially when we have already been carrying the guilt of procrastinating when it’s time to connect with Allah (SWT) through Salah, and neglecting to purify our soul by ignoring our sins.

However, even at our lowest, we must never forget that:

“Indeed, Allah loves those who are constantly repentant and loves those who purify themselves.” – Al-Baqarah: 222

Here are 4 ways to strengthen our relationship with Allah (SWT), and reconnect with Him when feeling lost:

1- Upgrade Your Company

Make conscious efforts to surround yourself with people who are righteous and remind you of Allah (SWT).

2- Benefit Others For the Sake of Allah (SWT)

Help others only for the sake of Allah (SWT), so that He grants you peace and ease from all difficulties in this life and the Hereafter as a reward for your good deeds.

3- Make Time to Connect With Allah (SWT)

Schedule your time with Allah (SWT), pray, and make heartfelt duas regardless of how you’re feeling at the moment.

4- Believe In Allah (SWT)'s Mercy

Instead of reconnecting with Allah (SWT) from a place of fear and expecting His punishment, seek His presence and expect love and acceptance from Him.

Indeed, those who believe strengthen their love for Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala.

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